Revolutionizing Sustainability with the EDGE Building Rating System

We are thrilled to introduce you to an incredibly innovative tool that is redefining green building and sustainable development practices worldwide.  It’s called the EDGE (Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies) Building Rating System.  Developed by the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, EDGE provides a new standard for resource-efficient buildings, making sustainability easier to achieve and measure.

What is the EDGE Building Rating System?

EDGE is a green building certification system that is accessible and affordable, targeted at both new construction and renovations.  It offers a measurable way for owners, builders, and developers to optimize their designs, leading to a building that consumes less energy, less water, and less embodied energy in materials than a conventional building in the same locality.

The EDGE system is unique in its approach.  It uses a simple online platform and software application that helps to determine the most cost-effective options for designing green within a specific regional context.  Based on these calculations, a building can be designed to cost less to operate, be more efficient, and be less impactful on the environment.

Why is the EDGE Building Rating System Important?

With the urgent need to combat climate change, the building sector is one of the crucial areas where we can make a significant difference.  Buildings account for nearly 40% of global energy-related CO2 emissions.  The EDGE system provides a solution to this problem.  By making green building practices more accessible and cost-effective, it encourages sustainable construction, helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, save water, and reduce energy use.

Why Choose EDGE in Thailand?

  1. Cost-Effective and AccessibleThe EDGE system is designed to be simple, affordable, and easily accessible.  It offers an online platform that allows designers and developers to assess the resource efficiency of their projects quickly.  Furthermore, EDGE is tailored to the specific climate and construction practices of the local market, making it an ideal choice for Thailand.
  2. Encourages Sustainable PracticesThe EDGE certification process promotes the adoption of green building technologies and practices in the construction industry.  It encourages builders and developers to reduce energy consumption, water usage, and embodied energy in materials.  By doing so, it contributes to the overall sustainability of the built environment in Thailand.
  3. Market Recognition and DemandAs the demand for green buildings in Thailand continues to grow, EDGE certification can help set your project apart from competitors.  With the increasing awareness of climate change, more and more consumers are seeking out sustainable, eco-friendly buildings.  By obtaining EDGE certification, you not only demonstrate your commitment to environmental stewardship but also cater to the growing market demand.


How Does the EDGE System Work?

To achieve an EDGE certification, a building must achieve a minimum 20% reduction in energy use, water use, and embodied energy in materials compared to a standard building.  This is assessed using the EDGE software, which allows project teams to quickly and easily explore different strategies to achieve these reductions.

Once the project team has designed a building that meets these standards, an EDGE auditor will review the building plans to ensure they meet the requirements.  If the building is compliant, it receives an EDGE certificate, demonstrating its commitment to sustainability.

The Impact of EDGE in Thailand

DMG is proud to support the EDGE certification system.  We believe in building a sustainable future and are committed to promoting green building practices.  We are taking a significant step towards achieving our sustainability goals by embracing the EDGE system.

If you’re considering incorporating the EDGE building rating system into your next construction project, here’s how to get started:

  1. Visit the EDGE website ( and familiarize yourself with the certification process, technical requirements, and documentation.
  2. Use the EDGE software to assess your project’s resource efficiency and potential savings in energy, water, and materials.
  3. Work with a local EDGE Expert or Auditor who can guide you through the certification process and help you maximize your project’s environmental performance.  Here at DMG, we have EDGE Experts and EDGE Auditors that can help with the process.
  4. Implement the recommended measures and strategies to achieve the desired efficiency levels and obtain EDGE certification.


By promoting resource efficiency and eco-friendly construction practices, EDGE certification contributes to a greener, healthier, and more sustainable future for Thailand’s built environment.  If you’re looking to make a difference and stay ahead of the curve in the Thai construction industry, consider incorporating the EDGE building rating system into your next project.