As the title implies, Construction Management (CM) is being the task-master constantly on the jobsite inspecting, approving, coordinating and certifying the works, materials, safety and construction methods of all the Contractors, Builders and Suppliers on the site. Being CM is a very serious responsibility for which DMG chooses very senior and dedicated professionals with broad-based knowledge and interest in all things-construction.
We require of our CM’s the requisite spatial memory, a good mind for details and a gift for problem solving. In addition to well-defined skill sets, all DMG’s construction managers have good people skills in management as demonstrated by their abilities to coordinate with clarity, motivate with respect and anticipate with understanding. While the Project Manager sets standards, methods, communications, timing and facilitation for the construction.

The CM team gets things built (safely) on time and at high quality often in spite of adversarial weather, pandemics, some Contractor woes and, last minute changes in design and delays in material sources. Both the PM and the CM have pivotal roles in the success in the project. While DMG is agile and super-qualified to assume either role alone, our most noteworthy projects engaged us to be both PM and CM in a coordinated effort of several qualified professionals working collaboratively.
Both the PM and the CM have pivotal roles in the success in the project.
DMG is a leader in construction management Phuket
DMG’s Construction Management Services Include:
- Site physical analysis, accessibility studies, neighboring sensitivities
- Advising on the feasibility, interfaces, buildability, and schedule of the design.
- Pre-Qualification of
- Construction methods advisory.
- Voice of the timeline, site conditions, and safety concerns during the Tender Review of Contractors
- Defining key performance indicators for contractors.
- Advising on the need for mock ups, samples, third party testing, inspections, and Design Approvals
- Diligent advisory as to the Construction Costs, Energy, and Water savings during the constructionPreparing a construction schedule with milestones, phasing, major deliveries and other site parameters that drive the schedule.
- Arranging for site facilities, fences, hoardings, roads and walkways, drainage, power, communications, I.T., water supply and temporary services, .
- Managing all site Inspectors, Testing, Daily Logs, monthly reports, Request for Information (RFI from Designers, Site communications (SI’s, NCR’s, MOM, RFA’s, Visitors, etc.),Safety meetings, contractor meetings, Variations Orders, product substitutions,
- Inspecting contractors works, issuing instructions and certificates
- Witnessing tests and coordinating commissioning.
- Collating as-built information, building owner’s manual, building user’s handbook, pre-construction information and construction phase plan.